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Adult Literacy Computer Tutor - Cambridge
Foundational Basic Computer and Zoom Skills
Impact Statement The Literacy Group is a non for profit adult education center that develops and delivers accessible and effective literacy programs. We support adults who want to upgrade their skills in reading, writing, numeracy, computer and workplace essential skills. The delivery of our services is possible through the dedicated collaborative work of our experienced staff and volunteers. We are looking for volunteers to support our cause and work closely with our team to support the students in various groups run by TLG.
Description In Person small groups (6 max) of adults
-using pre-set curriculum -with minimal lesson planning -no curriculum/resource development needed -6-month commitment minimum
Flexible hours Must have: Excellent computer skills Excellent problem-solving skills Commitment to learning and professional development
Position Qualifications
Ideal for: An Individual, Student Placement Age: 18+
Area(s) of Interest: Technology, Senior Services, Mentoring / Tutoring
Skill(s): Coaching, Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity, Communicate in Plain Language, Facilitation and Training, Manage Meetings & Groups, Computer Skills
Training / Work Condtions
Training Details: Program tutors must complete TLG's online tutor training and a minimum of 4 hours mentoring in each program they wish to teach. Mentoring can be extended by request of the tutor or their supervisor. Working Conditions: Groups of 3-6 meet in person. 1.5 - 2- hour classes Weekly classes Program scheduling blocks may vary with student needs. Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible entrance, Wheelchair accessible washroom, Accessible work space, Support Newcomers Transportation: On a bus route
Time Commitment
Duration: 7 - 12 months Weekday - Daytime, Weekday - Evening 2-4 hours per week 6-month minimum commitment 1-year commitment preferred
Send an Email Message
Stuart Oakley
519-621-7993 Ext. 322
40 Ainslie St. S Cambridge, N1R3K1