Upcoming Workshops
The Waterloo-Wellington Learning Alliance is a partnership between two volunteer centres in our area; PIN, The People and Information Network (Guelph) and the Volunteer Action Centre Waterloo Region (VAC) to provide targeted professional development in the Region of Waterloo and Wellington County.
This enriched Education and Training service for community benefit organizations offers specialized training and consultation on board governance, organizational wellness and volunteer engagement.
For Links to all the upcoming 2019-20 WWLA workshops click here.
The WWLA team is thrilled to again host the Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference in Kitchener.
The Future Is Now. Tech trends transforming 2020 and beyond.
This unique hybrid event will broadcast valuable content from leaders of volunteers from all over North America and include peer-to-peer discussions that will help problem solve and examine new concepts within the voluntary sector.
Leaders of volunteers presenting include:
Valuable information that you can utilize in your daily work as leaders of volunteers.
Space is limited. Light refreshments and lunch provided.
To register for this workshop, click here.