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Trail Director
Carolinian Crest (Brant County)
Impact Statement As a not-for-profit organization, the GVTA is administered by a volunteer board of directors. The trail was built and is maintained through a large network of volunteer maintenance workers who ensure a strong and safe trail system. The association offers organized hikes through a network of volunteer certified hike leaders who offer a range of hikes throughout the year. There are countless volunteers who help with the running and administration of the association. We would not exist if not for our enthusiastic volunteers.
Description One of Ontario’s greatest scenic hiking trails needs your leadership and management skills! The Trail Maintenance Director ensures that the Grand Valley Trails Association (GVTA) 240 kilometre foot path is well maintained and free of natural obstructions so that GVTA members and the public can hike the Trail in safety. Each Director is responsible for approximately one- fourth of the trail.
Trail maintenance experience is required.
Position Qualifications
Ideal for: An Individual Age: 50+ English Proficiency, Physical Demand, Work Without Supervision
Area(s) of Interest: Maintenance, Leadership/Management, Recreation/Sports
Skill(s): Community Knowledge/Awareness, Motivate Others, Problem Solving, Constructing
Training / Work Condtions
Training Details: Trail maintenance training will be provided, but we expect the Trail Director to have some experience building and/or maintaining trails. Working Conditions: While the trails are outdoors, this role requires excellent communication and some basic computer skills to be successful. Transportation: Not on a bus route
Time Commitment
Duration: 1 year or more Anytime Minimum of 8 hours per month – more time during the spring and fall seasons.
Send an Email Message
Emily Bennett
519 897-6813
Outside Waterloo Region