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Grant writer

Levant Canada

   About the Position

Impact Statement
Volunteers are an essential part of keeping Levant’s programs and services alive. Help out in a range of projects from weekly soccer practices to annual cultural events.

Your assistance is needed in generating support for Levant Canada. Grant writing and fundraising will help assure that we can continue to provide services to the community and work towards our goals as an organization.

Position Qualifications

Ideal for: An Individual
Age: 25+

Area(s) of Interest: Arts/Culture, Recreation/Sports, Newcomer Support

Skill(s): Cultural Awareness/Sensitivity, Public and Media Relations, Plan and Coordinate, Fund Development, Process Management

Training / Work Condtions

Training Details: Training will be provided.
Working Conditions:
Transportation: Car required

Time Commitment

Duration: 3 months or less
Shifts are flexible, but there are deadlines. We will discuss with successful applicants.

   Contact Information
Send an Email Message
Siba Al-khadour
(519) 772 4399 Ext. 2737
65 Hanson Avenue Kitchener, N1C 4DR

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Kitchener ON N2G 2N7

Phone: 519 742 8610

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